Remembering Alec Stock

Today would have been Alex Stock’s birthday. Amongst other things in a distinguished managerial career, Stock masterminded that incredible Fulham run to Wembley in 1975. This brilliant obituary by Brian Glanville shows just how unique Stock was.

Life’s a pitch

Plenty of Fulham fans thought the KC Stadium pitch was bad. Take a look at this surface from the allsvenskan this weekend. Hat tip: Nordic Football News.

Making sense of it all

Alex has a great post up at Sound Off, noting just how different the last seven days was when compared to the Juve hysteria. Like he says, things might have been so different: But to look at the results in the above way neglects the subtleties of the recent run of...

Fiorentina fans congratulate Fulham

It probably has more to do with the Juventus-Fiorentina rivalry but it’s still nice to see a massive ‘Complimenti a Fulham’ banner at their home game with Genoa this afternoon.