I, along with millions, have been watching the world Cup. I admit that it started slowly but I have really enjoyed it as it has moved on. I can’t help but watching out for plaers that I would like to see in a Fulham shirt and that would probably be within our budget. Firstly, Micheal Bradley of the USA looks a real talent and would be a great signing especailly as Murphy only has a few season left in him. Robert Koren also looks pretty good and could add a bit of spice to our wide midfielders.
I also really like the look of Kalu Uche (who I wrote my first article on last year!). He is a creative player and would really add something to our squad. Lastly, Gyan of Ghana also looks to be a quality player who could really add to our striking options. He always worries defenders and could make a big impact in the Pemier League.
I don’t think Michael Bradley is within reach for Fulham. If he’s going to leave, its going to be for a highe club then gladbach, and I don’t think Fulham will have the money to pay for him, whom I would assume go for somewhere around 8 million. As an american, I was glad to see that michae has grown up and as much as I love fulham, I think michael has his eyes set higher.