All over the Liverpool Fan Websites I read that apparently Roy has already signed for them. In truth I think thats a pile of rubbish. However, the story isn’t looking good. Schwarzer and Dempsey are two players that have already come out and given their opinions about the Liverpool job and both have the same opinion- let him go if approched. I suppose they are right about one thing- if he wants to go, we can’t stop him. The fact that both players have come out publically suggests that they know something we don’t.
BUT as Tor has already pointed out, Hodgson said in his interview earlier that he was excited to be working with Senderos next season, indicating that he is going nowhere. Also, the Inter Milan and Juventus Jobs had both been linked wih Hodgson before different managers were signed. This possibly means that Hodgson is on everybodies radar but he is not listed very highly. I certainly read alot of comments by angry Liverpool fans who didn’t like the idea of Hodgson being in charge next season. In fact, only a few people seemed at all happy. Roy himself has always said that we doesn’t think about any of these things unless he is specifically contacted. However, this could mean that he will consider a move if it comes along.
I personally don’t know what to think. I have my fingers crossed that he doesn’t go, it would effect the growth of our squad. Roy definatly hasn’t finish building it yet. I really believe that we can win something under Roy. There seems to have been no contact yet but it is something that we need to keep an eye on. At the end of the day, it is out of our hands.
I certainly hope Roy doesn’t leave for Liverpool or any other team, but I don’t think you can really take any reassurance at all from his statement on Senderos. Of course he looks forward to working with him next season. That’s the soonest he’d be working with him, and he’s not going to say “Whoever is managing Fulham next year is going to enjoy working with him.” It’s not like this statement constitutes him giving his word that he’s going to stay.
I get the feeling if Dalglish wants it, then it is his to take. He’d be cut price as he’s already there and have the backing of 99% of Liverpool fans. Don’t forget, he’s the last Liverpool manager to win the league too. The owners need a PR victory with the fans and it seems Kenny would provide that where Roy might not.