Let me take you back to two weeks ago when Fulham were playing Roma at Craven Cottage. That Thursday was the last day in school before my half term holidays so I was happy that I wasn’t rushed to do the endless amount of school work that I have these days!  I came home from school and waited with anticipation for what I hoped to be a memorable night at Craven Cottage. Thankfully I wasn’t disappointed about the performance of the Whites that night. I’m sure you will all agree that they did Fulham proud that night despite the final score. When Brede Hangleland scored that goal I might have cheered as loud as anyone actually at the ground that night!

I doubt that anybody will disagree with me that although Fulham had an excellent first half, Roma had the better of the second. They at times controlled the match but excellent defending got us through. We still probably should have scored again which would have made us the leaders in our group based on our chances in the first half. And with Schwarzer saving a penalty I truely believed that was it for Roma. Even with us down to ten men, despite Roma having more of possesion, they didn’t look like scoring. Then came that horrible moment – with the last kick of the game Roma scored. I actually fell backwards on the sofa with my hands over my face! I was gutted that we had let this slip.

But the World goes on. We had exhausted some of our players and I began to worry about Manchester City at the weekend. I wondered at what this disappointment could do to a squad when other mathes were coming quickly! But then I wached Fulham do two incredible things – come from two goals down to gain a point at Eastlands (something with no other club has done this season) and then score three past Liverpool to win 3-1.

Those two results I think could be the turning point in our season. We hadn’t been getting the results before that but ever since Hull a few weeks back, we have been outstanding. Baird and Greening have surpassed all expectations in the last number of matches and have been excellent in midfield. Our defence has been tight and compact and the big lad up front by the name of Zamora has been incredible. We are scoring more goals than we normally do and, for the first time in a long time, we have depth. We have the players who can come in a give us the performances we need to play at the level that we are. I have already mentioned our central two, but lets not forget Riise (great performance against Roma), Gera (a changed player) and Kamara (who I always thought was a bit of a tube).  Nevland was another player who put a great perfromance in against Liverpool.

So I say bring on Roma. If we put in a great performance we could win this one, especially with the injury problems they are having. Win this then our next few Premier League matches are ones that I would be expecting a win. Win this and we have an excellent chance of reaching the group stages.

I’m excited…