The Daily Express is reporting that the FA are about to offer Roy Hodgson the job of managing the Great Britain 2012 Olympic football team.

Lord Triesman has apparently picked out Hodgson, who guided Fulham to seventh in the Premier League and European football only a year after saving them from what looked like certain relegation, as the best candidate to coach a team of under-23 English players for the London Games. The FA chairman has previously stated that he wants the identity of the coach resolved before Christmas so that first thoughts on a potential squad can begin in the new year.

Hodgson is by no means the only candidate. Sir Alex Ferguson was approached but ruled himself out, whilst Martin O’Neill and Stuart Pearce were also thought to be on the FA’s shortlist. The Express claims that Hodgson has been sounded out informally – and the FA believe that he would be the right man for the job, which could involve leading a squad of players including Theo Walcott, Daniel Sturridge, Jack Wiltshire and Fulham target Adam Johnson.