First, a few of my own. I’ve done a Q&A on Fulham as part of Lowlife Opinions’ look ahead to the football season. The intriguing questions, at least from my own point of view, were which one player would you like to sign and will we keep Hangeland. I’m still fairly positive on that score.
Second, I hadn’t gone out and bought the Observer when I updated the site yesterday. So you should check out the thoughts of TOOFIF’s David Lloyd in their preview of the new campaign. For those who don’t know, TOOFIF stands for There’s Only One F In Fulham and is the excellent Fulham fanzine, which David works hard to produce four times a year. It’s a great read and won an award last season for the best fanzine in the Premier League. Anyway, the standout part of David’s piece is the part where he identifies anyone who boos Fulham players as a boo-boy. Excellent (and I’m looking at you, Zamora-booers). And, for the first time in living memory, none of the other fans picked us to go down. That’s progress.