It’s a few weeks old now, but I’ve just spotted this piece over at the excellent EPL Talk. If you have never visited this site, they do excellent podcasts with interviews with key Premier League figures, so it is definitely worth checking out.
When I was reading this piece about top flight sides who are punching above their weight, I was expecting to read about our season. Interesting then that the author actually thinks we are finally reaching our potential. Here’s what they say about Fulham:
Fulham: Many of you may believe that Fulham are punching above their weight based on their performances so far this season, but the reality is that they’re finally living up to expectations after a horrid last two years.
That’s interesting because I think most people (perhaps non-Fulham fans) would have associated us with a relegation battle or a lower mid-table place. Let’s just hope we can continue winning the expectations game.