The title’s a little tongue-in-cheek, but the basic point still stands.

I don’t normally take ‘The People’ because it’s reporting is a little too sensationalist for me. It was only due to a late-afternoon visit to TIFF that I discovered Dave Kidd’s latest column satirising the sports journalism industry and handing our boys a little bit of praise.

I’ll reproduce his article in full below:

So Arsenal can beat the likes of Chelsea and Manchester United – and yet somehow lost at little Fulham.

Aston Villa get great results against Arsenal and Manchester United but just as they looked like breaking into the top four, they were held to a 0-0 home draw by Roy Hodgson’s Fulham.

The previous week, Liverpool blew a chance to go top of the Premier League when they were held to a 0-0 home draw by Fulham.

The week before that, Harry Redknapp’s amazing Tottenham revival was brought to a juddering halt with a shock defeat at Fulham.

The week before that Joe Kinnear’s Newcastle revival was brought to a juddering halt with a shock defeat at Fulham.

Any similarities between these stories is entirely coincidental.

There is absolutely no suggestion that Fulham might be a half-decent team. Not in any of the reports that I’ve read anyway.

Made me chuckle.

And I’m not one of those people who thinks the media have an in-built anti-Fulham bias. It’s just some of the so-called punditry is shocking. One think on which I can agree with Roy Keane.