Panic over! Stand down boys. Everything will be alright.

Groundhog Day (1993), where Bill Murray repeatedly injures his knee/back, if I remember correctly, stopping him from ever playing football.
Now, as well as us probably needing some cover on the right and left of defence and maybe somebody to replace Etuhu in midfield who can pass and/or tackle we are also a bit shy of options up front. Zamora and Gera are pretty much all we’ve got with AJ apparently being stuck in some kind of Groundhog Day situation with injuries. But we can all breathe a sigh of relief because Edward “Eddie” Johnson has said it is now the right environment for him to shine.
After joining us in the early days of Roys reign he’s spent spells with Cardiff and Greek side, Aris, scoring seven goals in the 52 starts he made with the two clubs. And after knocking in a couple of goals over pre-season he now feels it’s the time for him to push on with the Whites.

When not playing reserve team football, Eddie Johnson likes nothing better than sitting on car bonnets. Or hoods as he's call them.
Under Sparky he feels he has more of a chance to show his creativity on the ball and wont be forced into Roys style of play which didn’t suit him.
“A lot of the boys such as myself like to express themselves and that’s something that maybe we couldn’t do as much with the style we played with Roy, which was more focused on being well organised and playing a lot of one and two-touch football. Our new coaches put the emphasis on attack and like players to express themselves … there are times in a game when you do need to take more than two touches.”
I’m led to believe there’s a longer interview with the Florida born striker in the next issue of Fultime.