As you may have noticed, we are experimenting with a new look now which makes posting, updating and running the site easier. As I’m a fan of the plain, cleaner look we’ve tried to keep things as simple as possible. We’d be interested to know what you think.
Also, we are always looking for new people to get involved here at It’s the start of the new season so if you’ve got something to say about Fulham or football in general, don’t be shy – let us know. Regular articles would be great but if you’d just like to write a one-off piece that would be most welcome. You can get the ball rolling by leaving a comment in the comments box or emailing the addresses on the ‘About’ page.
I’d be inerested in doing the odd thing!
That would be great Lydia.
Can I send you an email?
Testing the gravatar option…
Looking good Niclas.
Trust yours to be a beer picture 😉
Well, I’ve got a reputation to maintain 😉
Don’t like it. One of the things I liked about your old format was being able to read the whole article without having to click on it. Too much clicking is giving my fingers a real pain. Please change back.
I hate change but you modern go getters seem to want it. On saying that it I shall get used to it and will continue to be astounded at the great news and content. The extra mouse fondling makes me feel I know about computers. Thanks.
any interest in a new logo? or a newer version of the current one?
Yep Dan. My email is
Hey Tim – Would definitely be interested in any anything you could come up with. Drop me an email at
Would definitely be interested in helping out if required. Will be able to get to a lot more games too now I’m no longer in Bristol but now back in SW6!
Excellent Nick. I’ll send you an email, if that’s okay?